Members have access to digital copies of all back copies of FORT and CASEMATE in the current membership year at no cost, but are invited to make a donation when they download issues for earlier years.

A donation of around £3 per copy of CASEMATE printed since Casemate 70 when our publications became full colour, or £5 per copy of FORT, is recommended.

Casemate 129 - January 2024 - 7.5MB

Casemate 129 - January 2024 - High Res 58MB

Page 2.    Chairman, Editor, Contents
Page 3.    Officers of the FSG, Publications of other Societies,
Page 4.    Future Events, corrections
Page 19.  Hurst Castle
Page 24.  Civil War Fortifications Register (CWFR)
Page 29.  If at first you don’t succeed…
Page 34.  Fort Tourgis – Battery No. 1
Page 43.  FSG, CDSG and Subterranea Britannia (SB) Tour Report North Poland 
Page 48.  Reviews
Page 51.  Items For Sale, Contributions to Casemate, Subscriptions

Casemate 130 May 2024 - 9.6MB

Casemate 130 May 2024 - High Res 98MB


Page 2. Chair, Editor, Officers
Page 3. Obituaries
Page 4. NEWS
Page 6. Publications, Future Events
Page 7. Poland Tour Part 2
Page 17. A Fortified Tower on the Maginot Line
Page 19. Condé-sur-l’Escaut – A Desk Exercise
Page 27. A Heavily Defended Shore - Landguard
Page 31. All Roads Lead to Rome
Page 38. The Château de Castelnaud
Page 42. Spynie Palace
Page 47. Steeton ROF: Preserved WW2 Pillboxes
Page 49. REVIEWS, Contributions to Casemate, Items for Sale, Subscriptions

Casemate 131 September 2024 - 10 MB

Casemate 131 September 2024 - 133 MB

Page 3. Chairman, Editor, Officers of the FSG
Page 4. Future events, Publications of other Societies, Correction
Page 5. News/Reports Clothing
Page 6. Buckingham Palace Garden Party
Page 7. British Civil Wars Education Network
Page 10. Wanstone Battery—Update 2023
Page 14. Members Day Report
Page 22. Lofty Sentinel
Page 36. North West Greece Tour
Page 49. Reviews
Page 51. Items for Sale, Contributions, Subscriptions

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