These sample pages from Casemate 126 are indicative of the range and quality of the FSG Magazine Casemate. Members can choose to receive printed or digital versions. Digital back numbers are available on the member section of the website and printed back copies can be purchased. Casemate is 50+ page full colour publication with three editions per annum in January, May and September. 

Casemate and our journal FORT is held by many international university and military historcial libraries.

To download the 13 page taster please click the following link.

Casemate 126 - January 2023 Taster

FSG Membership includes one copy of FORT and three copies of Casemate each year and starts from as little as £20 (£10 for Students) - see here for more details.

The Fortress Study Group CIO is a registered charity, No 1194017.
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